Ghost theme Casperion 2.0

It's quite a while since the Ghost theme Casperion was released. Things have changed and it was time to bring it up to date with latest Ghost 2.0. This time, I'd like to make minimal changes to simplify updates, as many features are planned for the Ghost and Ghost theme Casper. I've removed Google Analytics and Disqus and all resources are delivered from the theme. No external resources are used anymore. Thanks to the DSGVO (GDPR). Here are the features.

Full Ghost 2.0 support

The free Casperion Ghost theme supports latest Ghost 2.x version.


GhostHunter provides Casperion full text searching right in the blog without having to resort to any third-party solutions, by utilizing the Ghost API. The blog search uses an overlay and displays the blog post description, so it looks really nice.


Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on Casperion blog posts. It's very easy to use because it works automatically. It finds blocks of code, detects a language and highlights it. Highlight.js is only loaded if a code block was detected in blog post.

You can download Casperion here. If you like it, please star this project on GitHub.