PHP PHP Code Generator Redux PHP code can be generated very well using an AST-based approach and a model like JSON schema or XML. Learn more about PHP code generation.
Docker Dockerized desktop apps - Development with GIT, PhpStorm and Postman In this Dockerized desktop apps part you will learn how to setup a development suite with PhpStorm, GIT and Postman.
Security YubiKey full disk encryption with UEFI secure boot for everyone I've created a full disk encryption setup guide. If you complete this guide, you will have an encrypted root and home partition with YubiKey two factor authentication, an encrypted boot partition and UFEI
Ghost Ghost theme Casperion 2.0 It's quite a while since the Ghost theme Casperion was released. Things have changed and it was time to bring it up to date with latest Ghost 2.0. This time, I'd like
Docker Dockerize desktop apps with NVIDIA GPU and audio support It's 2018 and it's time to Dockerize all desktop applications, isn't it? Don't pollute your system with package dependencies which makes system updates harder and adds possible attack surface and vulnerabilities to your
Docker Let nginx start if upstream host is unavailable or down If you use proxy_pass or fastcgi_pass definitions in your nginx server config, then nginx checks the hostname during the startup phase. If one of these servers is not available, nginx will
PHP Asynchronous prooph messages via Amazon AWS SQS Do you know that you can easily switch to async prooph messages for your commands, events and even queries? This blog post shows how to use it to produce asynchronous messages via Amazon
Docker OpenResty (nginx) with auto generated SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt I started with a free SSL certificate to use encrypted connections for my website. This works fine, but I have to update the SSL certificate every year manually. Let’s Encrypt
Docker Docker Daemon tuning and JSON file configuration The default Docker config works but there are some additional features which improves the overall experience with Docker. We will create a JSON config file with optimized options for the Docker Daemon, install
Docker My talk Docker for PHP Developers at PHP.RUHR I'm very excited to give a talk at the PHP.RUHR conference in Dortmund. This conference takes place on November 10th for the third time in the Ruhr area, which is the largest
Docker My conference talks in September I'm thrilled to give two talks in September on different conferences. This is my first time, to be a Speaker on such a stage. I am very happy to have been accepted. Hopefully
Docker Docker Compose with named Volumes and multiple Networks In Docker Compose 1.6 or higher Networks and Volumes are now first class citizens. This means you have more control and you can use individual services in one or more networks. Sharing
PHP PHP 7 Expectations / Assertions PHP 7 has many new features. One of them are Expectations maybe better known as assertions. It's a common practice to use an assertion library like beberlei/assert to ensure correct values and
Docker Docker for PHP Developers Docker is a great way to emulate live server environment. Sure, you don't have the same hardware, but you can have the same infrastructure stack like multiple web, PHP-FPM, Database, CDN server and
Docker Docker with OverlayFS on Ubuntu Docker uses the DeviceMapper storage driver as default if no other driver is available. That's ok and it works, mostly. I run, sometimes into trouble, because the container could not be started. At
Docker Generate awesome docs from Markdown files with Docker and More and more projects uses to generate their documentation from Markdown files. This has several benefits. You can easily generate an awesome stylish documentation with syntax highlighting by using another template.
PHP International PHP Conference in Munich 2015 The International PHP Conference 2015 in Munich was a great event for me. Many useful talks around PHP and web development and I was an attendee of the PHP: Continuously Delivered workshop by
Docker Using Composer cache in a Docker container If you use the Composer Docker container you have the problem, that there is no Composer package cache, because the state of the Docker container is not saved. That's no problem, if you
Docker Docker PHP Xdebug CLI debugging I use Docker for development and for my website too. Now it's time to throw away var_dump and to use Xdebug for PHP Docker container. It's quite easy, because I have created
PHP PHP interoperable factory and service configuration The configuration of instances via factories is not uniform, uses different ways to retrieve and check the needed options and it's not clear which configuration options needs the factory to create the instance.
PHP PHPUnit tests with Peek and Poke - No more Reflection Sometimes you want to test your protected or private methods or need access to a class property. This can be achieved via the PHP ReflectionClass, but it's some lines of code. Sebastian Bergmann
build Autoloading Grunt tasks concurrently with optimized assets Currently, I have more to deal with front-end stuff, because of creating a responsive web layout for a popular shop. We use a Grunt build process and the template engine Handlebarsjs to create
PHP Hexagonal Architecture, Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing, Oh, My! In the past weeks I've read something about Domain Driven Design and Hexagonal Architecture. And the more I've read, the more I know that I know nothing. In the end I ended up
Build a Selenium-Grid in minutes with Docker To parallelize integration tests with Selenium you will need a Selenium-Grid. This is quite easy with Docker and Docker Compose (the new fig). It is also possible to build your own Docker container
Docker Logrotate for Docker container It's a best practice to log the Docker container output to /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr. But you should not forget to enable a Logrotate for your Docker container log files. The Docker